Breath experience

Breath experience

breath experience


The BreathFluencers will influence your breath and change your life.

Kim became the writer of an online BreathCoach education, she educated over 360 students in becoming a Laudius Breathcoachs.

This motivated her to evolve and deepen and expand this wisdom.
In the BreathFluencer training you will receive all she knows and shares in her sessions.
Once you are a BreathFluencer you could also become a n-ice team member. And join events on our BreathSupport.

The academy knows different levels
Level 1 BreathEssence, the basics for everybody
Level 2 BreathExpert, guiding the breath of your clients, patients or colleagues (group or individual)
Level 3 BreathEducator, train-the-trainer...

After level 2 you can be invited into the BreathSupport team.

Not only in guiding breath-circles but breathing for professionals (psychologists, physiotherapists, (HR)managers, teachers, nurses) functional and relaxing breathing into their specialism.

TBF academy divides conscious breathing into different different layers

Functional breathing
Breathing day & night. Getting to know the basics in breathing mechanics and biochemistry. Meaning using the right muscles and right amounts of breathing (for optimized gasexchange)

Relaxed breathing to calm yourself and activate the parasympathetic nervous system.

Training the breathing muscles and CO2 tolerance.

All sorts of connective breathing that could bring you in altered state. Theses journeys often lead one-on-one or in ceremonial groupsettings.

All of this and much more I combined into The BreathFluencer Academy. A training on different levels where you will feel like a Breathing we all should be.

"Breathing is not the only, but certainly should be the first vitality skill, one should master." - Kim Padding, founder The BreathFluencer Academy

So The BreathFluencer Academy is the best way to start for your accesible, tailored and basic information and experiences on breathing for any profession.
The theory is the same for all, but the exams are tailored to your profession.

Which makes this truelly UNIQUE and exactly suited for you!

Because breathing really is for every body, in every profession!
Please tell me more.