Frequently asked questions

Is the n-ice.experience for everybody?

The n-ice.experiences are about recognizing stress in your body and taking charge of your stress by mastering your thoughts, breathing and optional cold exposure.
Not all parts are for everybody but for every body a personal practice is possible.

So yes the n-ice.experience is for every body type. But not for everybody.

Not for everybody, only the ones dedicated
The n-ice.experience is only for people who truly want to invest in learning how to feel better. Meaning wanting to experience what true (interoceptive) feeling is.
This doesn’t mean you will feel good all the time but you will skill yourself by true feeling and experience how you can influence thoughts, stress and breathing for the better. So this is for everybody who is willing to step outside of their comfortzone and long for the feeling of coming home.

You also offer cold exposure, is that for everybody?

As mentioned above there is a n-ice way for everbody. You can however not join in group sessions with cold exposure when you have one of the following diagnoses : 
•    Epilepsy
•    High blood pressure (in case of prescription medication)
•    Coronary heart disease (e.g. Angina Pectoris; Stable Angina)
•    A history of serious health issues like heart failure or stroke
•    A serious psychiatric diagnosis such as schizophrenia or psychoses for instance
•    Untreated thyroid issues (trouble with natural temperature regulation)
•    Reynaud secundair
•    Ocular hypertension
•    When pregnant (only 1-on-1 mentoring is possible)
•    Surgery in the past 6 weeks.

If you suffer from migraines, we urge you to be cautious about taking ice baths and have some suggestions for the breathing.

TGA temporary memory loss.
Altough very rare it sometimes happens people suffer from TGA. This can happen after any impactfull experience and have sometimes happend after a cold exposure. This always goes away after a few minutes or hours. And chances are small this re-occurs.As referred above the n-ice.experiences are for every body who wants to invest in self development on the edge of comfort.

We sometimes offer cold exposures and/or intense breathing.

Please pay extra attention in case of these diagnoses
If you endure some serious medical condition, please counsel your healthcare professional before starting with the techniques.

In case you suffer from one of the following conditions please always inform the mentor before joining a session.
This will also be part of the questionnaire you receive after registration.

What will the n-ice.experience bring me

It is very personal what the experiences will bring you. And also it can differ per session and depending on your goals, expectations and state of body and mind in the specific moment.

So the outcome for each experience is very personal and that makes it so valuable too. Mastering our n-ice techniques and reflecting on your behavior will support you to learn how to feel better, still your mind (eventually), train your cardiovasculair, build resilience, and above all master your breath. The more attention in clearity you spend on your personal practice and selfresearh. The more fulfilment one will experience.

In addition regarding the Wim Hof Method : 
The method is not about becoming the iceman, the method is about becoming more you!

I have registered for a session, now what?

After buying your tickets you can be assured you will have a spot at your booked session if you have received a confirmation mail.
Latest one week before joining your session you will receive a questionnaire including tips for preparation.

No confirmation or questionnaire?
Still some questions that cannot be found here?

Click here to ask your question, we will try to get back to you within 48 hours.
Urgently need to reach us? 06 43 008 009.

I feel so uncomfortable in my bathing suit with other people. What can i do?

If you join a session but get ‘cold feet’ from the idea of being in your bathing suit in front of others (maybe even colleagues). No worries. You can still join! For me you are always beautiful yet if you still need to learn this yourself. Just wear a short/legging and shirt. Trust me, the water will be just as cold ;o).

What should I bring/wear for a (group) session?

Wear comfortable (not too tight) clothes. Maybe you prefer your own blanket and yogamat.
In case you go for an icebath or dip in sea. Bring towels and whatever you wear for the water.

And... your true self. That is always the best!

I have had panic attacks or hyperventilation in the past, can I join safely?

Yes! The practices you will be handed are perfect to learn to reprogram yourself and experience how you could respond instead of react in a sudden stressful situation.

Many people have had much support with different kinds of breath practices to deal with chronic or sudden stressful situations.
In case you feel worried about some parts, feel free to share this in the session or in private during the break for instance.

I suffer from a burn out and have (had) a lot of stress, is a group session a good idea?

You decide rather you want to join in the group or in a private session. You are welcome in both. As long as you can get out of bed and to the location you are able to join in your own tempo.

Can I practice when pregnant?

If you are pregnant, please postpone starting the intense breathing and cold exposure till 3 months after labor. The mindset skills, and maybe worries about labor, are of course safe to do and even helpful.

We also can advise on specialized guidance for pregnant women.
For instance Maggie Bijl or Aurora van den Berg.

From which age can one start the breathing techniques and the Wim Hof Method?

Young peoples lungs have not matured and therefore we advise only soft easy breathing sessions and not WHM breathing. The cold exposure should be playful.
The mindset practices are for all ages. specializes in adult guidance. Sometimes exceptions are made. We could also advise on child/youth coaches if you feel this need for your class or children.