February 19, 2024

E-book Oxygen Advantage Post education 2024

Download the Ebook here.

E-Book Title: Mastering Breath : Advanced Training Notes based on OxygenAdvantage.

About this E-Book
Summary of two day post training by Oxygen Advantage founder PatrickMcKeown 17th & 18th February 2024 Alicante, Spain.

Written by
Kim Padding*, the BreathFluencer

Influence your breath
Improve your life.
You can read more about The BreathFluencer Academy atthe last page of this document.

Why this E-book

When Istarted with breathwork, I thought it was universal. A one quick fix. Yet,along the way, I realized there isn't one breathing exercise for everybody, butrather there is a breathing exercise for every body. I made it my mission tohelp people lead better lives, both at the workplace and beyond. Breathing isan important tool for self-regulation, but it remains an instrument, not agoal. Realizing the need to tailor techniques for various individuals, Icommitted to becoming a student of the breath for life. T
his, I believed, would make me a more effective trainer, teacher, and mentor.For that reason, I seized the opportunity to join a post-training session ledby Patrick McKeown. I took copious notes to serve my clients, enhance myknowledge, and become a better person and breather and improving the BreathFluencerAcademy. So together we create the ripple effect and educate people inselfregulation to enjoy our nice world.


Welcome to "Mastering Breath: Advanced OA TrainingNotes" I asked ChatGPT to seize theessence of my excessive notes. Already being an Advanced Oxygen AdvantageInstructor since a year and a half this should be a nice recap of indepthinformation. And probably mostly effective for those working with the breathalready, but also inspiring for those who want to enhance personal knowledge andmaybe feel inspired to a BreathFluencer yourself?

Enjoy the recap of the notes derived from the masterful teachings of PatrickMcKeown, generous founder of Oxygen Advantage, focusing on the principlesoutlined in his groundbreaking book, "The Oxygen Advantage."At the bottom of this document youfind breathing exercises per subject.

Functionalbreathing is taught on four dimensions
Biochemical, biophysical,psycho-physical & immune.
However it is not breath only, we work on : Breath – mind – sleep – unity.

Why breath training

Breathing is the fundamental act that sustains life,yet its significance often goes unnoticed in our daily lives. At its core,breathing is not just about inhaling and exhaling air; it is a profoundphysiological process that influences every aspect of our being."Mastering Breath" offers a comprehensive guide to understanding andoptimizing breathing for improved performance, health, and mental clarity.Whether you're an athlete seeking to enhance your performance or an individualinterested in optimizing your breathing, this eBook serves as a valuableresource for mastering the art of breath.

Understanding the Oxygen Advantage

- Explore the respiratory equation and the importanceof nasal breathing for CO2 regulation and airway health.

- Therespiratory equation, RR x TV = MV (Respiratory Rate x Tidal Volume = MinuteVolume), underscores the fundamental principles of breathing.

- Nasalbreathing offers significant benefits for CO2 regulation and airway health bymaintaining a lower Minute Volume, crucial for optimizing CO2 levels.
- Nasal breathing offers significant benefits for CO2 regulation and airwayhealth by maintaining a lower Minute Volume, crucial for optimizing CO2 levels.
- CO2 regulation in the blood is closely linked to CO2 levels in the lungs,emphasizing the importance of efficient breathing.
- Nasalbreathing facilitates diaphragm recruitment, increases airway exposure, andprovides lung protection, enhancing overall respiratory function.
- Hyperventilationcan lead to airway constriction and adversely affect athletic performance,highlighting the importance of breath regulation.

Breath-Holding Techniques andWarm-Ups

- Learn about the BOLT score and its significance inassessing CO2 sensitivity.
- The BOLT score serves as a valuable tool forassessing CO2 sensitivity, guiding breath-holding techniques for optimalperformance.
- Discover strategies for optimizing athleticperformance through breath regulation.
- Implementing strategies for breath regulationcan significantly enhance athletic performance, emphasizing the importance ofmastering breath control.

Breathing Mechanics andPerformance Enhancement

- Gain insights into diaphragmatic breathing and itsrole in improving respiratory efficiency and stability.
- Diaphragmatic breathing plays a pivotal rolein improving respiratory efficiency and stability, essential for maximizingperformance.
- Breath trainingtechniques effectively reduce lactic acid buildup, facilitating faster musclerecuperation and enhancing overall athletic performance.

Concentration, Focus, and Mental Preparation

- Explore techniques for achieving mental clarity andstaying focused on the task at hand.
- Techniques for achieving mentalclarity and maintaining focus are essential for enhancing performance andachieving goals.
- By prioritizing present momentfocus and effective goal-setting strategies, individuals can enhance their workquality and overall productivity 

Goal Setting andSelf-Actualization
- Setting effective goals andcultivating detachment from outcomes are key aspects of self-actualization,leading to improved work quality and personal satisfaction.
- Enhance work quality through present moment focusand goal setting.

Sleep Hygiene and Its Impacton Breathing:

- Explore the connection between breathing patternsand sleep quality, managing sleep apnea, and enhancing overall performance.
- Understanding the brain's role in regulating sleepand the impact of breathing patterns on sleep quality.
- Techniques to signal safety to the brain for bettersleep, including slowing down exhalation and wearing blue light filter glasses.
- Importance of sleep hygiene according to MathewWalker's research.
- Factors influencing sleep quality: exposure todaylight, minimizing blue light exposure in the evening, caffeine intakeregulation, avoiding overstimulation before bedtime, and optimizing bedroomconditions.
- Connection between mouth breathing, poor sleepquality, and conditions like depression and PTSD.
- Addressing sleep apnea: prevalence, risk factors,and its impact on sleep quality and overall health.
- Questions to assess sleep quality and awarenesstechniques to improve sleep, such as breath and body awareness. 

Breathwork for Mental Clarityand Enhanced Performance:

- Techniques for achieving a state of "nomind" through breath control and mindfulness practices.
- Insights from athletes, artists, and brain surgeonson the importance of breath in achieving peak performance and focus.

Breathing Techniques for Running and Physical Performance:
- Breathing exercises tailored for runners to optimizeperformance and enhance oxygen delivery.
- Research findings supporting the benefits of nasalbreathing and its impact on VO2 max and physiological economy in recreationalrunners. 

Breath Control for StressManagement and Optimal Performance:
- Techniques to regulate breathing for stressreduction, including breath holds and controlled breathing patterns.
- Insights into the psychological and physiologicaleffects of breathing on stress response and overall well-being.
- Application of breath control techniques in publicspeaking and high-pressure situations for improved performance and focus. 

Breathing Strategies forWeight Loss and Hormonal Balance:

- Exploring the relationship between sleep apnea,hormonal regulation, appetite, and weight management.
- The role of breathing exercises in reducingstress-induced eating behaviors and promoting hormonal balance.
- Loosing wait while a person has sleep apnea can be challenging since thisstimulates a hormone Ghreline that increases hunger. First work on the qualityof sleep. 

Implementation Strategies andActionable Steps:
- Practical guidelines for implementing breathingtechniques in daily life, including structured programs for breath coachingsessions.
- Collaborative opportunities with professionals invarious fields, such as psychology, physical therapy, teachers and athletictraining, to integrate breathwork into comprehensive wellness programs.
- Educate individuals on the benefits and techniquesof breathwork for optimal health and performance through workshops, seminars,and training sessions. 


Mastering Breath serves as a comprehensive resourcefor individuals seeking to deepen their understanding of respiratoryphysiology, optimize breathing patterns, and integrate the power of breath forenhanced performance and mental and physical well-being. By incorporating theprinciples outlined in this guide into daily practice, individuals can journeytoward improved physical, mental, and emotional vitality.

All this content and much more is part of the BreathFluencerAcademy. Optimizing breathing patterns for improved sleep, managing sleepapnea, enhancing physical performance & productivity, healing and promotingmental clarity. By incorporating breathwork into daily routines andcollaborating with professionals in various fields, individuals can unlocktheir full potential for health, well-being, and performance excellence.
Unlock your full potentialwith "Mastering Breath" and become a BreathFluencer today!


1. Understanding the OxygenAdvantage and Buteyko:

  - NasalBreathing Practice: Spend 5-10 minutes daily practicing nasal breathing. Focuson inhaling and exhaling exclusively through your nose, allowing your diaphragmto fully engage with each breath. This exercise enhances airway exposure,improves CO2 regulation, and supports overall respiratory health.

2. Chapter 2: Breath-HoldingTechniques and Warm-Ups:

  - ControlledBreath Holds: Perform breath holds with a 3:2 ratio (inhale for 3 counts,exhale for 2 counts) for 5 rounds. Gradually increase the breath hold durationwhile maintaining comfort. Monitor your BOLT score (the duration until thefirst urge to breathe) to assess CO2 sensitivity and progress in breath-holdingcapacity.

3. Chapter 3: BreathingMechanics and Performance Enhancement:

  - DiaphragmaticBreathing Exercise: Lie down comfortably and place one hand on your chest andthe other on your abdomen. Inhale deeply through your nose, allowing yourabdomen to rise while keeping your chest still. Exhale slowly, feeling yourabdomen fall. Repeat for 5-10 minutes to strengthen diaphragmatic engagementand enhance respiratory efficiency.

4. Chapter 4: Concentration,Focus, and Mental Preparation:

  - MindfulBreathing Meditation: Sit quietly in a comfortable position and close youreyes. Focus your attention on the sensation of your breath entering and leavingyour nostrils. When distractions arise, acknowledge them without judgment andgently bring your focus back to your breath. Practice for 10-15 minutes dailyto cultivate mental clarity and sustained focus. 

5. Chapter 5: Goal Setting andSelf-Actualization:

  - Breath-AwareGoal Visualization: Sit comfortably and close your eyes. Take several deepbreaths to center yourself. Visualize yourself achieving your goals whilemaintaining steady, rhythmic breathing. Engage all your senses in thevisualization process, focusing on the emotions and sensations associated withsuccess. Use this technique regularly to reinforce goal-oriented behavior andenhance self-actualization.

6. Sleep Hygiene and ItsImpact on Breathing:

  - EveningWind-Down Breathing: Before bedtime, practice 4-7-8 breathing: Inhale quietlythrough your nose for a count of 4, hold your breath for a count of 7, andexhale audibly through your mouth for a count of 8. Repeat this cycle for 4-5rounds to signal safety to your brain, induce relaxation, and improve sleepquality.

7. Breathwork for MentalClarity and Enhanced Performance:

  - BoxBreathing Technique: Inhale deeply through your nose for a count of 4, holdyour breath for a count of 4, exhale slowly through your nose for a count of 4,and hold your breath again for a count of 4. Repeat this pattern for severalminutes to promote a "no mind" state, reduce stress, and enhancefocus.

8. Breathing Techniques forRunning and Physical Performance:

  - CadenceBreathing for Running: Coordinate your breathing with your running cadence.Inhale for two steps, exhale for two steps, and repeat. Focus on low, rhythmicbreathing through your nose to optimize oxygen delivery and enhance enduranceduring physical activity.

 9. Breath Control for StressManagement and Optimal Performance:

  - Equal RatioBreathing: Practice equal ratio breathing by inhaling for a count of 4, holdingfor a count of 4, exhaling for a count of 4, and holding again for a count of4. Repeat this cycle for several minutes to regulate your breathing pattern,reduce stress, and promote calmness in high-pressure situations. 

10. Breathing Strategies forWeight Loss and Hormonal Balance:

   - RelaxationBreathing for Hormonal Balance: Practice belly breathing for 5-10 minutesdaily. Inhale deeply through your nose, allowing your abdomen to expand, andexhale fully through your mouth, allowing your abdomen to contract. Thisexercise promotes relaxation, reduces stress-induced hormonal fluctuations, andsupports weight management efforts.

These exercises can be integrated into daily routinesand tailored to individual needs and preferences. Regular practice will enhancebreath control, optimize respiratory function, and contribute to overall healthand well-being. 

Feel like you want to beguided?
Reach out to a BreathFluencer or become one!

About The BreathFluencer academy from n-ice.world
TBF academy finds its foundation in functionalbreathing, based on the wisdom and often-researched methods of OxygenAdvantage, Buteyko, and Kasper van der Meulen. All other breathwork could be anice add-on when suited.

Become a BreathFluencer to serve your students,colleagues, clients, your life, and our nice world.
Influence your breath at the workplace for improved productivity and life joy!
We tailor education to your profession.

Let your breath be your mentor.
Better breathing during every day activities.

*About Kim Padding
Kim is founder n-ice.world the resilience company.
And started the BreathFluencer Academy in 2022. She trained 1000s of people andeducated 400.

Be the movement. Join our academy.
Are you a professional working with people?
Become a BreathFluencer to improve your life and the lives of your colleagues,students or clients.

Write breathfluencer@n-ice.world to be waitlisted.



E-book Oxygen Advantage Post education 2024

Download the Ebook here.

E-Book Title: Mastering Breath : Advanced Training Notes based on OxygenAdvantage.

About this E-Book
Summary of two day post training by Oxygen Advantage founder PatrickMcKeown 17th & 18th February 2024 Alicante, Spain.

Written by
Kim Padding*, the BreathFluencer

Influence your breath
Improve your life.
You can read more about The BreathFluencer Academy atthe last page of this document.

Why this E-book

When Istarted with breathwork, I thought it was universal. A one quick fix. Yet,along the way, I realized there isn't one breathing exercise for everybody, butrather there is a breathing exercise for every body. I made it my mission tohelp people lead better lives, both at the workplace and beyond. Breathing isan important tool for self-regulation, but it remains an instrument, not agoal. Realizing the need to tailor techniques for various individuals, Icommitted to becoming a student of the breath for life. T
his, I believed, would make me a more effective trainer, teacher, and mentor.For that reason, I seized the opportunity to join a post-training session ledby Patrick McKeown. I took copious notes to serve my clients, enhance myknowledge, and become a better person and breather and improving the BreathFluencerAcademy. So together we create the ripple effect and educate people inselfregulation to enjoy our nice world.


Welcome to "Mastering Breath: Advanced OA TrainingNotes" I asked ChatGPT to seize theessence of my excessive notes. Already being an Advanced Oxygen AdvantageInstructor since a year and a half this should be a nice recap of indepthinformation. And probably mostly effective for those working with the breathalready, but also inspiring for those who want to enhance personal knowledge andmaybe feel inspired to a BreathFluencer yourself?

Enjoy the recap of the notes derived from the masterful teachings of PatrickMcKeown, generous founder of Oxygen Advantage, focusing on the principlesoutlined in his groundbreaking book, "The Oxygen Advantage."At the bottom of this document youfind breathing exercises per subject.

Functionalbreathing is taught on four dimensions
Biochemical, biophysical,psycho-physical & immune.
However it is not breath only, we work on : Breath – mind – sleep – unity.

Why breath training

Breathing is the fundamental act that sustains life,yet its significance often goes unnoticed in our daily lives. At its core,breathing is not just about inhaling and exhaling air; it is a profoundphysiological process that influences every aspect of our being."Mastering Breath" offers a comprehensive guide to understanding andoptimizing breathing for improved performance, health, and mental clarity.Whether you're an athlete seeking to enhance your performance or an individualinterested in optimizing your breathing, this eBook serves as a valuableresource for mastering the art of breath.

Understanding the Oxygen Advantage

- Explore the respiratory equation and the importanceof nasal breathing for CO2 regulation and airway health.

- Therespiratory equation, RR x TV = MV (Respiratory Rate x Tidal Volume = MinuteVolume), underscores the fundamental principles of breathing.

- Nasalbreathing offers significant benefits for CO2 regulation and airway health bymaintaining a lower Minute Volume, crucial for optimizing CO2 levels.
- Nasal breathing offers significant benefits for CO2 regulation and airwayhealth by maintaining a lower Minute Volume, crucial for optimizing CO2 levels.
- CO2 regulation in the blood is closely linked to CO2 levels in the lungs,emphasizing the importance of efficient breathing.
- Nasalbreathing facilitates diaphragm recruitment, increases airway exposure, andprovides lung protection, enhancing overall respiratory function.
- Hyperventilationcan lead to airway constriction and adversely affect athletic performance,highlighting the importance of breath regulation.

Breath-Holding Techniques andWarm-Ups

- Learn about the BOLT score and its significance inassessing CO2 sensitivity.
- The BOLT score serves as a valuable tool forassessing CO2 sensitivity, guiding breath-holding techniques for optimalperformance.
- Discover strategies for optimizing athleticperformance through breath regulation.
- Implementing strategies for breath regulationcan significantly enhance athletic performance, emphasizing the importance ofmastering breath control.

Breathing Mechanics andPerformance Enhancement

- Gain insights into diaphragmatic breathing and itsrole in improving respiratory efficiency and stability.
- Diaphragmatic breathing plays a pivotal rolein improving respiratory efficiency and stability, essential for maximizingperformance.
- Breath trainingtechniques effectively reduce lactic acid buildup, facilitating faster musclerecuperation and enhancing overall athletic performance.

Concentration, Focus, and Mental Preparation

- Explore techniques for achieving mental clarity andstaying focused on the task at hand.
- Techniques for achieving mentalclarity and maintaining focus are essential for enhancing performance andachieving goals.
- By prioritizing present momentfocus and effective goal-setting strategies, individuals can enhance their workquality and overall productivity 

Goal Setting andSelf-Actualization
- Setting effective goals andcultivating detachment from outcomes are key aspects of self-actualization,leading to improved work quality and personal satisfaction.
- Enhance work quality through present moment focusand goal setting.

Sleep Hygiene and Its Impacton Breathing:

- Explore the connection between breathing patternsand sleep quality, managing sleep apnea, and enhancing overall performance.
- Understanding the brain's role in regulating sleepand the impact of breathing patterns on sleep quality.
- Techniques to signal safety to the brain for bettersleep, including slowing down exhalation and wearing blue light filter glasses.
- Importance of sleep hygiene according to MathewWalker's research.
- Factors influencing sleep quality: exposure todaylight, minimizing blue light exposure in the evening, caffeine intakeregulation, avoiding overstimulation before bedtime, and optimizing bedroomconditions.
- Connection between mouth breathing, poor sleepquality, and conditions like depression and PTSD.
- Addressing sleep apnea: prevalence, risk factors,and its impact on sleep quality and overall health.
- Questions to assess sleep quality and awarenesstechniques to improve sleep, such as breath and body awareness. 

Breathwork for Mental Clarityand Enhanced Performance:

- Techniques for achieving a state of "nomind" through breath control and mindfulness practices.
- Insights from athletes, artists, and brain surgeonson the importance of breath in achieving peak performance and focus.

Breathing Techniques for Running and Physical Performance:
- Breathing exercises tailored for runners to optimizeperformance and enhance oxygen delivery.
- Research findings supporting the benefits of nasalbreathing and its impact on VO2 max and physiological economy in recreationalrunners. 

Breath Control for StressManagement and Optimal Performance:
- Techniques to regulate breathing for stressreduction, including breath holds and controlled breathing patterns.
- Insights into the psychological and physiologicaleffects of breathing on stress response and overall well-being.
- Application of breath control techniques in publicspeaking and high-pressure situations for improved performance and focus. 

Breathing Strategies forWeight Loss and Hormonal Balance:

- Exploring the relationship between sleep apnea,hormonal regulation, appetite, and weight management.
- The role of breathing exercises in reducingstress-induced eating behaviors and promoting hormonal balance.
- Loosing wait while a person has sleep apnea can be challenging since thisstimulates a hormone Ghreline that increases hunger. First work on the qualityof sleep. 

Implementation Strategies andActionable Steps:
- Practical guidelines for implementing breathingtechniques in daily life, including structured programs for breath coachingsessions.
- Collaborative opportunities with professionals invarious fields, such as psychology, physical therapy, teachers and athletictraining, to integrate breathwork into comprehensive wellness programs.
- Educate individuals on the benefits and techniquesof breathwork for optimal health and performance through workshops, seminars,and training sessions. 


Mastering Breath serves as a comprehensive resourcefor individuals seeking to deepen their understanding of respiratoryphysiology, optimize breathing patterns, and integrate the power of breath forenhanced performance and mental and physical well-being. By incorporating theprinciples outlined in this guide into daily practice, individuals can journeytoward improved physical, mental, and emotional vitality.

All this content and much more is part of the BreathFluencerAcademy. Optimizing breathing patterns for improved sleep, managing sleepapnea, enhancing physical performance & productivity, healing and promotingmental clarity. By incorporating breathwork into daily routines andcollaborating with professionals in various fields, individuals can unlocktheir full potential for health, well-being, and performance excellence.
Unlock your full potentialwith "Mastering Breath" and become a BreathFluencer today!


1. Understanding the OxygenAdvantage and Buteyko:

  - NasalBreathing Practice: Spend 5-10 minutes daily practicing nasal breathing. Focuson inhaling and exhaling exclusively through your nose, allowing your diaphragmto fully engage with each breath. This exercise enhances airway exposure,improves CO2 regulation, and supports overall respiratory health.

2. Chapter 2: Breath-HoldingTechniques and Warm-Ups:

  - ControlledBreath Holds: Perform breath holds with a 3:2 ratio (inhale for 3 counts,exhale for 2 counts) for 5 rounds. Gradually increase the breath hold durationwhile maintaining comfort. Monitor your BOLT score (the duration until thefirst urge to breathe) to assess CO2 sensitivity and progress in breath-holdingcapacity.

3. Chapter 3: BreathingMechanics and Performance Enhancement:

  - DiaphragmaticBreathing Exercise: Lie down comfortably and place one hand on your chest andthe other on your abdomen. Inhale deeply through your nose, allowing yourabdomen to rise while keeping your chest still. Exhale slowly, feeling yourabdomen fall. Repeat for 5-10 minutes to strengthen diaphragmatic engagementand enhance respiratory efficiency.

4. Chapter 4: Concentration,Focus, and Mental Preparation:

  - MindfulBreathing Meditation: Sit quietly in a comfortable position and close youreyes. Focus your attention on the sensation of your breath entering and leavingyour nostrils. When distractions arise, acknowledge them without judgment andgently bring your focus back to your breath. Practice for 10-15 minutes dailyto cultivate mental clarity and sustained focus. 

5. Chapter 5: Goal Setting andSelf-Actualization:

  - Breath-AwareGoal Visualization: Sit comfortably and close your eyes. Take several deepbreaths to center yourself. Visualize yourself achieving your goals whilemaintaining steady, rhythmic breathing. Engage all your senses in thevisualization process, focusing on the emotions and sensations associated withsuccess. Use this technique regularly to reinforce goal-oriented behavior andenhance self-actualization.

6. Sleep Hygiene and ItsImpact on Breathing:

  - EveningWind-Down Breathing: Before bedtime, practice 4-7-8 breathing: Inhale quietlythrough your nose for a count of 4, hold your breath for a count of 7, andexhale audibly through your mouth for a count of 8. Repeat this cycle for 4-5rounds to signal safety to your brain, induce relaxation, and improve sleepquality.

7. Breathwork for MentalClarity and Enhanced Performance:

  - BoxBreathing Technique: Inhale deeply through your nose for a count of 4, holdyour breath for a count of 4, exhale slowly through your nose for a count of 4,and hold your breath again for a count of 4. Repeat this pattern for severalminutes to promote a "no mind" state, reduce stress, and enhancefocus.

8. Breathing Techniques forRunning and Physical Performance:

  - CadenceBreathing for Running: Coordinate your breathing with your running cadence.Inhale for two steps, exhale for two steps, and repeat. Focus on low, rhythmicbreathing through your nose to optimize oxygen delivery and enhance enduranceduring physical activity.

 9. Breath Control for StressManagement and Optimal Performance:

  - Equal RatioBreathing: Practice equal ratio breathing by inhaling for a count of 4, holdingfor a count of 4, exhaling for a count of 4, and holding again for a count of4. Repeat this cycle for several minutes to regulate your breathing pattern,reduce stress, and promote calmness in high-pressure situations. 

10. Breathing Strategies forWeight Loss and Hormonal Balance:

   - RelaxationBreathing for Hormonal Balance: Practice belly breathing for 5-10 minutesdaily. Inhale deeply through your nose, allowing your abdomen to expand, andexhale fully through your mouth, allowing your abdomen to contract. Thisexercise promotes relaxation, reduces stress-induced hormonal fluctuations, andsupports weight management efforts.

These exercises can be integrated into daily routinesand tailored to individual needs and preferences. Regular practice will enhancebreath control, optimize respiratory function, and contribute to overall healthand well-being. 

Feel like you want to beguided?
Reach out to a BreathFluencer or become one!

About The BreathFluencer academy from n-ice.world
TBF academy finds its foundation in functionalbreathing, based on the wisdom and often-researched methods of OxygenAdvantage, Buteyko, and Kasper van der Meulen. All other breathwork could be anice add-on when suited.

Become a BreathFluencer to serve your students,colleagues, clients, your life, and our nice world.
Influence your breath at the workplace for improved productivity and life joy!
We tailor education to your profession.

Let your breath be your mentor.
Better breathing during every day activities.

*About Kim Padding
Kim is founder n-ice.world the resilience company.
And started the BreathFluencer Academy in 2022. She trained 1000s of people andeducated 400.

Be the movement. Join our academy.
Are you a professional working with people?
Become a BreathFluencer to improve your life and the lives of your colleagues,students or clients.

Write breathfluencer@n-ice.world to be waitlisted.



E-book Oxygen Advantage Post education 2024