May 2, 2024

Really embracing the cold, to feel n-ice

This short film was directed by my dad on February 28th, 2018, just 10 months before he passed away. We filmed this day because the -3°C temperature feeling like -11°C, it marked a significant moment for me as a newly certified Wim Hof Method Instructor. I felt compelled to create something to showcase my journey.

However, after several revisions, the final version didn't feel quite right.We filmed it with the talented Daan and the unwavering support of my mother. Despite this being a personal project, I've kept it to myself for the past 6 years.

It never felt good enough, and I often questioned its purpose. But today, I realize it was my first step toward embracing my truth. And that alone is worth sharing, even if it's an old story.Fast forward 6 years, and much has changed, yet much remains the same.

Life is a continuous journey, filled with ebbs and flows.
I may not be perfect, but I'm perfectly me.

Continuing to move, be present, evolving and living my truth...

Really embracing the cold, to feel n-ice

This short film was directed by my dad on February 28th, 2018, just 10 months before he passed away. We filmed this day because the -3°C temperature feeling like -11°C, it marked a significant moment for me as a newly certified Wim Hof Method Instructor. I felt compelled to create something to showcase my journey.

However, after several revisions, the final version didn't feel quite right.We filmed it with the talented Daan and the unwavering support of my mother. Despite this being a personal project, I've kept it to myself for the past 6 years.

It never felt good enough, and I often questioned its purpose. But today, I realize it was my first step toward embracing my truth. And that alone is worth sharing, even if it's an old story.Fast forward 6 years, and much has changed, yet much remains the same.

Life is a continuous journey, filled with ebbs and flows.
I may not be perfect, but I'm perfectly me.

Continuing to move, be present, evolving and living my truth...

Really embracing the cold, to feel n-ice